1. My entire college life has been an evolution of me learning to accept my awkwardness after several attempts of failing to get rid of it . Also I pride the fact that I'm super weird. Not every guy gets this. 96% don't. The other 4% have been either friendzoned or taken.
2. I am not the one for small talk. I either talk and laugh and ignore the fact that I'm very audible sometimes or I don't make a conversation at all. I don't want to know 'whats up?'.
3. Yes. I get mood swings. No . That doesn't mean that you assume I'm on my period. I have expectations. But I dont say them out loud. Instead I pick a small situation and go ballistic on your ass because of something you did or didn't months back. Such a keeper right?
4. If a guy flirts with me, I laugh inexplicably and raise my hand for an up-top like ," Man ! I love that you referenced 'Prince of Bell Air'. Guy: *blank look* um. What? Me : okay then *walks away*
5. I have some hurt. Not going to elaborate.
6. Nicholas fucking Sparks raised my bloody expectations. Like, hey! Name a star after me. Hey, you be the bad guy. Ill be the good girl that saves you. *Real life scenario* : I try that. What results after that can probably be briefed into that scene from the movie 'Pixels' where the old Japanese dude tries to talk his bad pacman son out of his evil ways , after which pacman eats his hand. Like, fuck you motherfucker.
7. I watch way too many romantic movies. Baically, I want my life to be a happy ending from '10 Things I hate about you'. *RIP Heath. We love you*
8. So I'd like to be brutally honest here. So you know the 'Paradox of Choice' right? Yeah well. So Im like, what if I'm with this person and 'the one' comes along? I don't want to hurt nobody. I am not that bitch. So I wait. * Dies Alone*
9. My version of a boyfriend is highly unrealistic. He's a figment of my ambivalent imagination. I mean hell, I believe in 'The One'. I mean, whats next? Santa is real and he has a pet unicorn that farts rainbows and all our dreams come true? Like HEY ! Romantic movies should come with a disclaimer that says ' all characters and the POTENTIAL of them existing in real life, are not real. AT. ALL. '
10. I am blessed to have some real amazing men in my life, in the form of a father, best friends and family. They kinda raise the bar everytime. Damn you, you ...you...PeopleWhoMakeThisDifficultBecauseYou'reAmazingHumanBeingsAndILoveYou.
That's it. Happy realization day . Goodbye then.
Ermagad, this is 100% me; it's like reading my own thoughts.
ReplyDeleteReading your blog was a bad idea. I can't like you less if you're weird.
ReplyDeleteI'm commenting on this post specifically because #8 kills me the most.
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