1. My entire college life has been an evolution of me learning to accept my awkwardness after several attempts of failing to get rid of it . Also I pride the fact that I'm super weird. Not every guy gets this. 96% don't. The other 4% have been either friendzoned or taken. 2. I am not the one for small talk. I either talk and laugh and ignore the fact that I'm very audible sometimes or I don't make a conversation at all. I don't want to know 'whats up?'. 3. Yes. I get mood swings. No . That doesn't mean that you assume I'm on my period. I have expectations. But I dont say them out loud. Instead I pick a small situation and go ballistic on your ass because of something you did or didn't months back. Such a keeper right? 4. If a guy flirts with me, I laugh inexplicably and raise my hand for an up-top like ," Man ! I love that you referenced 'Prince of Bell Air'. Guy: *blank look* um. What? Me : okay then *walks away* 5. I ha...